Welcome to My Grief My Way

It’s an online bereavement support package that you can work through at your own pace. It’s aimed at adults who have lost someone and who recognise that they could use a little bit of help. Click the video below to find out more.

What is My Grief My Way?

My Grief My Way is built from our own experiences of working with people who have been bereaved, and from the research evidence about common experiences and problems that people encounter after losing someone. The essence of our approach is that grieving is natural and healthy, even though it feels very painful at times. We hurt where we care. We think of grieving as emotional work. To grieve, we need to process, adapt and learn to live in the world without the people we have lost.

This website will help you to learn a set of skills and practices that will support you to do the work of grieving, helping you to find new ways to handle feelings, thoughts, memories and physical sensations. By learning these new skills, you will be better able to carry the memory of your loved one with you now, and in the future.

How to use My Grief My Way

This support package is designed to be flexible. You can dip in and out of it in any way that you choose. Just as there are many paths through the forest of grief, there are many ways of using this site. As you go through, we make some suggestions about places to go next, but if you prefer you can explore and find your own way of doing things.

If you would like clearer guidance about what to do, for your first walk through of the site you could begin by watching the films under ‘Real Stories’. After that, take each of the top menus in order: Understanding Grief, then Ideas and Practices. Under Ideas and Practices, we suggest looking at Awareness first, then Open, and then Engaged. We would then recommend looking at Wellbeing and Lifestyle, and finally Resources.

One thing that we would recommend is to check in with the website regularly. Make time to try out the ideas and practices, and let your experience be the guide. If you find something that feels useful to you then keep returning to it. Build other ideas and skills on top of that. As you go through you could keep a note of ideas and practices that you find most useful, so that you can go back and find them again later. You could also bookmark specific pages on your browser to take you straight to them. You can also choose to download all the exercises and worksheets in one go.

Keeping track of how you are doing

Throughout the website you will find worksheets and exercises which you may find useful. The goal of these is to provide a space for you to reflect on how you are responding to grief, and the impact it has. We encourage you to create your own workbook or journal. For example, this could be a notebook where you can copy the website worksheets and write answers directly into your own journal. Writing will help you process information and clarify your thinking. A journal will allow you to keep your reflections in once space which you can later refer back to. Of course, if you prefer you can also print out the worksheets and keep them in a folder or download them and complete them digitally on your PC.

This resource has been developed in partnership with

My Grief My Way Disclaimer Statement

My Grief My Way is an online bereavement support resource. It has been rigorously designed by integrating state of the art theory, expertise and the voices of people who have been bereaved. It has been evaluated with people who have moderate bereavement support needs. Some people have used the resource alongside support from a bereavement service, whereas others have used it on its own. It was found to be safe and helpful.

Users use this resource at their own risk and the website is not a substitute for individual health advice and support. If you have concerns about your health or wellbeing, you should consult your general practitioner. There are further websites and organisations providing support linked in the ‘Resources’ page of this website.

If you are a professional supporting other people with their grief, you may use the resources of My Grief My Way free of charge and without needing permission. You remain responsible for your own work and the University of Edinburgh has no responsibility or liability for the services that you provide.